Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Talk about cleavage!

Friday, July 30, 2010


My little baby is 12 weeks old today. Can you believe it? She is growing up so fast. Today she graduated from a size 1 diaper to a size 2 (for chunk'os over 14 lbs). Apparently she is only 4 lbs less than her 11+ month old cousin Claire. Oh boy. Where did this kid come from???

Size difference from 1 to 2

Here's Marnie hanging in her crib (in her new dipie) so I can run downstairs to do a load of laundry

And this is where I found her when I came back up 5 minutes later.
Where the heck does she think she's going???

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Turkey Drumsticks

Can we talk about my kids thighs? They are MEATY! And SOLID!

And you know..........CUTE!


Do you think my little squirt looks like me or what? Check out the two pics I found of me in a box in the basement. Looks like Marnie & I both sport the double chin!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Things People Come Up With

Look at this thing! Fake hands to lay on your baby! Who thinks of these things?? And...who actually buys them? Seems like this Zaky Pillow would pose more of a SIDS concern than

Monday, July 26, 2010

Gotta Love Sesame Street

Sometimes you need a little help from the outside world in order to get some things done around the house when you have a 2 1/2 month old. I've already started dvr'ing Sesame Street....juuuuust in case. And look how handy it's come in already!

Click here to see a video of Marnie glued to the show!

Before SS:

During SS:

And after SS:
That's a good 20 minutes that that kid sat there!
I wonder if she would enjoy The Housewives of New Jersey just as much..I'm sure I've got that recorded too.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Whenever Marnie is sleepy & drinking her milky, she clasps her little hands together & then holds them up to her chin. Most of the time she falls asleep like this. It's the cutest thing.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mom's Perspective

This was my view on this sunny Saturday afternoon.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Random Pics


Ewww...somebody made a stinky & it wasn't me!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Nana Would Be Proud

Since Marnie's baptism this past weekend she's been putting Nana Guadagno's rosary beads to good use.
There's a lot of praying goin on in the Guadagno household.

Glory to the highest! Amen.

God Bless Marnie

This past Saturday we had a small intimate gathering to baptise Marnie. It was a cool 94 degrees & sunny...just perfect for an outdoor ceremony *rolling my eyes*. Our little princess was sooo good considering the elements.
Marnie is lucky to have Robyn as her Godmother & Bobby as her Godfather. I'm sure both of them will guide her through life with the love & support she'll need.
After the ceremony we headed back to our house for an outdoor lunch/party. It was a beautiful day, no matter what.

This was Marnie's first baptism outfit. It was originally worn by my dad, 64 years ago. It has since been worn by his two younger sisters, me, Robyn, Kaelyn & Maddie. Marnie was the 8th baby to wear it- how sentimental is that??

This was Marnie's second outfit- this dress was found in Nana Guadagno's house after she passed away. I kept it because I thought it was beautiful. Big G doesn't know if it was worn by him or his sister Joanne- regardless, it was definetly worn by a Guadagno.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Visitors Part II

More pics of friends that wanted a visit with Miss Marnie. Who knew she'd be so popular??

Jack & Max (Tara's kids)





Goodwill Guy

Yesterday Marnie & I stopped in Goodwill in Westport...just to look around of course. Well there is a new guy working there, his name is Shawn. He was super friendly & got to chatting with me. He asked how old the baby was & said she was beautiful. I said "thank you". And you know what he said? He said "no, thank YOU. Thank you for bringing her into the world. I'm going to say a prayer for her tonight".

Hello! How nice is Goodwill Guy???

I snuck some pics of him from behind the ladies skirts section...hee hee hee

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Holdin Hands With Mommy

Peek A Boo!

Uhhh...Chest Hair?

Whenever I give Marnie a bath I wash her hair with a soft little washcloth. And...I...uhhh..think it kinda looks like a black man's hairy chest after I'm done.
What do you think?


Colony Grill Pizza!!!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Marnie loves her Grampy!

Story Time

Miss Marnie loves to be read to. John was laid up on the couch all day yesterday with a pulled hamstring so I piled up some books for him to read. She sat quietly in his arms while he read to her. That's nice, isn't it? Click here to hear John reading to her.


What can I kid has talent. Yep, sure she is only 2 months old but this baby is already showing signs of pure talent. I don't know about you but I for one cannot make bubbles out of my saliva....can you?

Talent. Pure talent.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Morning Sun Light

I think the morning sun light was bothering Marnie. I found her like this this morning, with her little arm covering her eyes. So, the good Mommy that I am, I let her borrow my eye mask.

She slept like an angel.

John's Smirk

Tell me! Is this not John's smirk????

P.S. She's cute

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Our Little Muschka

Yes, our daughter is part Pollock.