Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I've been holding off on posting these pics of Marnie's visitors because there were a few people that I was missing....but apprently there are pics that are 'gone' or there are pics I forgot to take (my bad). So here are the pics, in order, from what I have of all the people that have come to see our little Marnie.
Missing are Tracey, Tom, Jack & Claire, Amy, Aunt Sue & Tara

Will continue to post more pics as they come!

Poppy & Noni Sue

Grammy & Grampy

Uncle Bobby & Aferdita

Aunt Robyn (or Czoczi) & Uncle Brian

Grandma & Grandpa

cousins/sisters Maddie & Kaelyn

Aunt Paula


Judy (came all the way from Florida!)



Matty & Jimmy

neighbors Sue & Sara

Amanda & Dave

The Walsh's

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