Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So another thing those parenting classes don't warn you about are the poopie explosions or as I like to call them "blowouts". So far we've been dealt 2 really nasty poop diapers that have exploded either out the legs or up onto Marnie's belly. How the hell does it make its way up the front of her & out the top of her diaper?? This kid is talented.

Pic #1:
Cute innocent looking baby
(also, please note: that is MY boob...thanks breast feeding!)

Pic #2:
Here we have what could have almost been a full on blowout BUT I managed to keep it in check. Phew.

Pic #3:
Marnie getting a bath after her blowout- baby wipes just weren't gonna cut it

Pic #4:
Mr Duck reminding me that little girls need special cleaning "down there" and I need to get in between all the "quacks".
(you love our humor...right????)

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