Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wanna See Something Funny?

Tee hee hee ; )

Goldfish + Marnie = Cuuuuuuute

Stopped in Gymboree the other day & what luck....they were having a big sale, with up to 70% off. Thank you! I got Marnie a bunch of items from their goldfish line- originally these items would have cost $136 plus tax. I got them all for $32- is that some good shopping or what?
On a side note, looks like Pepperidge Farm is suing Gymboree for using the goldfish image! Click here for the article.

Cute clothes? Yup. But an even cuter baby.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Flower Child

Can you believe this? MY 7 week old kid can fit into clothes marked for 6 month olds. How can this be? Where did this kid come from???
She looks like John & I but come on! Is this baby really ours?

Couldn't you just EAT HER UP????

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Morning Calistetics

Marnie was a good girl & did her morning calistetics- she's gotta be fit & ready for her playdate today with Emmerson, Caroline & Teddy. She worked those arm & leg muscles like crazy. Now if only I could get on a workout regime too.....UGH.
Click here to watch her in action!

Birds eye view of her on the play mat

Mylee supervised

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Her First Wedding

Marnie attended her first wedding ceremony this weekend for my cousin Sara. She was a very good girl during the ceremony, Aunt Annie did a great job holding her & keeping her happy. When it came to picture time she got a little fussy but hopefully the photographer got a shot of a somewhat cute looking baby!

Marty McFly

Meet the new addition to the Guadagno family- Marty. He is very cute, no? Almost a spitting image of his sister Marnie but boy, does he have distinct male characteristics or what? And I must say, he looks adorable in blue.

Okay...Come On, Tell Me......

Is she not the cutest little thing in the world??????
*heart melting*

First Sleepover

John's birthday was this weekend so Mom N & Howard took Marnie for the night so we could have the whole evening to ourselves. Her first sleepover at Grammy & Grampy's- she even packed her little froggy suitcase!

Many Faces Of A Princess

Friday, June 18, 2010

World Cup With Daddy

John & Marnie decided to watch the World Cup US vs. Slovenia while I went out & did some birthday/Fathers Day shopping. be out of the nice.

Goooooo USA!


Half Ton Baby???? our kid gonna be on the next TLC special like the Half Ton Teen?
Guess she likes her milky.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So another thing those parenting classes don't warn you about are the poopie explosions or as I like to call them "blowouts". So far we've been dealt 2 really nasty poop diapers that have exploded either out the legs or up onto Marnie's belly. How the hell does it make its way up the front of her & out the top of her diaper?? This kid is talented.

Pic #1:
Cute innocent looking baby
(also, please note: that is MY boob...thanks breast feeding!)

Pic #2:
Here we have what could have almost been a full on blowout BUT I managed to keep it in check. Phew.

Pic #3:
Marnie getting a bath after her blowout- baby wipes just weren't gonna cut it

Pic #4:
Mr Duck reminding me that little girls need special cleaning "down there" and I need to get in between all the "quacks".
(you love our humor...right????)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Look Alikes?

Everyone has a different opinion on who Marnie looks like. Some people say she is a carbon copy of me when I was little, some people say she is all John. I see a lot of traits of both John & I. Like she definetly has my upper lips, long skinny toes & long arms with big hands....she has John's long beautiful eyelashes, sideways smirk & his eyebrows- how she lifts them up sometimes.

I'm not sure....BUT one thing I know is that this is one cute kid.

I'm gonna keep her.

Shout Out To All Marnie's Friends

Marnie told me to post this for Claire, Emmerson, Caroline & Teddy:

Nanny nanny poo poo!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kissy From Paula

I'm a woman of my word.


I've been holding off on posting these pics of Marnie's visitors because there were a few people that I was missing....but apprently there are pics that are 'gone' or there are pics I forgot to take (my bad). So here are the pics, in order, from what I have of all the people that have come to see our little Marnie.
Missing are Tracey, Tom, Jack & Claire, Amy, Aunt Sue & Tara

Will continue to post more pics as they come!

Poppy & Noni Sue

Grammy & Grampy

Uncle Bobby & Aferdita

Aunt Robyn (or Czoczi) & Uncle Brian

Grandma & Grandpa

cousins/sisters Maddie & Kaelyn

Aunt Paula


Judy (came all the way from Florida!)



Matty & Jimmy

neighbors Sue & Sara

Amanda & Dave

The Walsh's