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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Playground" & Birthdays

Today we headed up to NY to celebrate Maddie & Grandma's birthdays. Robbie & Bri Bri had a special surprise waiting for the girls also. A new play area just for the them, complete with a swingset & play house. I recorded Marnie as we pulled up the driveway so we could see her reaction. She was so excited!!! "Mommy look! That's a new playground that they have! Mommy look, they're outside. They're outside." Then she saw Maddie & Kaelyn as we got up to the house & she said "Hi Buddy! Hi Ian!". All three girls couldn't wait to get out of the car to go see their big cousins...even Brynn was yelling "Buddy! Buddy!".
The girls spent at least an hour & a half playing outside at their new "playground". Afterwards we all went inside to celebrate Maddie turning 11 and Grandma 65! Woot Woot!
Click here for Marnie, Simone & Brynn's reactions as we pulled up.

The Happy Birthday Girls! 

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