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Friday, August 9, 2013

What A Day!!!

So there I am, minutes from walking out the door with the girls when I hear "clunk...clunk...clunk...THUD". I rush to the bottom of the stairs to find Brynnie sprawled out on the floor crying & there's Simone at the very top of the stairs staring down at us. I rush to get Simone off the stairs & then pick Brynn up off the floor. I check her blood, no open wounds...phew! She immediately stops crying once she is in her mind so I take that as a good sign. So I take her into the living room and as I'm going to get the phone to call the doctor she pukes all over her, the floor & myself. UGH. So now I call the doctors office to see what I should do. They told me to keep an eye on her & watch for any irregular behavior. OK! So I hang up the phone & I hear a loud crash & Simone crying. Really? Now what? Oh! Look! Simone is laying on her back, covered with the entire fish tank full of water, stones & fish. There's our 3 adult fish & 9 baby fish flopping around on the floor & carpet. So, there I am, running around trying to pick up the fish as fast as I can with my hands & a spoon, as Marnie is screaming & crying about her fish. OMG. So now I have to pick up puke (by which this time Tortilla & Mylee have both taken it upon themselves to lick most of it all up for me- can you say disgusting???) and dirty fish tank water off the floors & rug. SHOOT ME!!
Needless to say, I posted on Facebook that my fishies needed a new home & I ended up giving them away hours later to a nice lady & her son. Sooo, I guess it was a good ending to a horrible day! And on top of that, Brynn was totally fine, thank goodness!!!

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