Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Marnie's 1st Friends Sleepover

Big girl Marnie was invited to sleep over her friend Claire's house. She's growing up way too fast!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

That's It! I'm Calling Grandpa!

Pop Pop got all his grandkids matching t-shirts that said "That's It! I'm Calling Grandpa!".
He loved every minute of this!!!

Claire's Cookies

The girls got to celebrate Claires birthday with her at the Cookie Workshop making & decorating cookies! They were busy coloring their own aprons & cookie boxes and they also rolled out their own dough, used the cookie cutouts & then put icing and sprinkes on their cookies. In between all the fun they had pizza and cupcakes. They loved it all!!!
Happy 4th birthday Claire!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Spray Bottle

Not quite sure why this kid likes to do this but Brynnie loves to squirt herself with the spray bottle. Another reason why I love her so much! Click here to watch her!

Mowing With Grandpa

Mowing 5 acres is hard work. Good thing Grandpa had help!


Wednesday, August 21, 2013


John & Marnie played doctor the other day. Apparently Dr Daddy diagnosed Marnie with stinky breath &  told her she needed to brush her teeth. He even got out the medical pad & drew a picture for her of her diagnosis. The next morning Marnie brought the pad over to me and she showed me the picture and said "Look Mommy, I have a diagnosis". Can you say HYSTERICAL????

                             The face on the left is of Marnie with gunk on her teeth & stinky breath. 
The face on the right is of John, gagging over her breath.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Brady's Cupcakes

It was Brady's birthday a few weeks ago so we finally got to celebrate with him! Brady & Claire came over to play for the afternoon and then we celebrated with Sesame Street cupcakes. It actually worked out pretty well that they all had just been in the pool & were wearing just their diapers & undies to eat the cupcakes, no messy clothes to clean!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Brushing Hair

 I thought this was so cute...I caught John smiling as he was brushing Marnie's hair after bathtime. 
That was worth taking a picture!


Nette's Pool Party

Yay! We were invited to Jeanette's annual pool party for the Jenacks' staff so off we went for a gorgeous day & night in Warwick. The girls had a great time & Marnie really liked being able to play with her long distance friend Ryan. After we had dinner John took Simone & Brynn home to put them to bed. Marnie & I got to enjoy the rest of the night with everyone! So after dinner we all piled into the back of  pickup trucks to head up to Sunset Ridge to see the sun set. It was beautiful! There were even 3 hot air balloons off in the distance. Nice day with family & friends!



 Heading up to the Ridge in the back of the truck!

 Marnie & Ryan

 Wiffle Ball! 


 On the way back down to the house for dessert!