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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sandy Hook Carnival

John & I had the privelage of volunteering our time for a carnival put on by Marnie's preschool for the families of the Newtown 1st responders & Sandy Hook Elementary School. It was an amazing day. There were families there that had lost loved ones & there was actually smiles on their faces..even if for a brief moment...and that is what we were hoping for. We had magicians, arts & crafts, face painters, clowns, a dj, a ventriloquist, musicians,  a photo booth, games & prizes,
Elmo/Sponge-Bob/Mickey/Minnie, and my friend Colleen & Marnie's teacher Miss Melissa filled in last minute to be Cinderella and Snow White. Aaaaamazing. I was so proud to be a part of it.

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