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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy was due to hit Fairfield hard so the girls & I headed to Mom and Dads house for a few days since they were going to have a generator and Warwick wasn't expecting anything but some rain. Robyn, Kaelyn & Maddie joined us too since Brian was called in to work to cover for the hurricane. My friend Tara and her two sons Jack & Max came over so all the kids could play together. We were at Mom & Dads house from Sunday before the storm (which hit Monday night) until Saturday afternoon when we finally got power back at home.

After the storm the kids helped Dad outside by picking up branches that had fallen. 

Check out the huge tree that fell down in the back of the property.
Hello! How awesome is this pic of the kids??? 

 A few random pics of Fairfield that were in the paper.

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