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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 13, 2012

First Day Of School

Yeah for Marnie! She started her 2's program & loves it. Miss Melissa & Miss Jackie are her teachers for the year & because she is in the same classroom she had for summer camp & has Miss Melissa again for her teacher she was totally comfortable being there. In fact, when I went to pick Marnie up after school Miss Melissa told me that a boy in her class, Brandon, might have a crush on her. She said he followed her around all day, played with her & even complimented her on her nails (which I painted pink that morning). When we got home I asked her if she played with Brandon and she said yes..and then I said "And Miss Melissa said he liked your nail polish on your nails. What did he say to you? She said "him say pretty". Oh my THAT is cute.

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