Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 30, 2012

"Hims Did It!"

Poor John (sarcasm) had to watch the Miami Dolphins play their game on the computer since our cable only covers the local football games. He had Marnie come sit on his lap so some of her good luck would rub off & the Dolphins would make a much needed touchdown. Guess what? They scored! John yelled "Oh my God..they did it! Touchdown!".
And Marnie clapped & happily yelled "Hims did it!".


Warm weather...pleassseeeee don't leave us.

How Does She Even Get Under There?

The Big E

We joined the Walsh Clan this weekend at The Big E fair in West Springfield, Mass. Mark it down as another successful get together with Caitlin, Dan & the kids!
Yep, this is how we rolled in
Marnie & Teddy

One of my favorite pictures ever 

And after the fair we stopped at McDonalds for some chicken nuggets & ice cream 


Almost every Saturday morning when we all go out to tag sales we stop at Cumberland Farms for coffee & a small squirt of a slurpee for Marnie.After we got in the car this past Saturday Marnie said to me "This make me happy".
Ahahaha....really? This sweet little baby girl is happy over an inch of slurpee.
She has no idea how much I just love her.

Play Date

Marnie had a play date with her friend Campbell at the Discovery Museum. It was so cute to see her playing her new friend from school. Simone & Brynn got a nice day out as well, so it was a win win.

Look At That Tongue!


Marnie's Twins

First Pony Tail

Do you know how long I've waited to get this kids hair in a pony tail??  The wait was totally worth it...look how adorable she is.


Uncle Bobby was in town last week so he took Marnie to Toys R Us to pick out any toy she wanted. She picked out The Little Mermaid...whom she named Mermaid...of course. And look who she wanted to go to sleep with that night! Thank you Uncle Bobby!

Come & Get Your Milky Simone!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Missed Posts.....

hi all...scroll down to see 2 other posts after maddies bday pics!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Grampy's Birthday

Us Guadagnos brought a birthday cake over to celebrate with Grampy as he turned 62.
Happy birthday Grampy, we love you!


Dad found a big box of old seashells that Robyn & I had collected when we were kids from when we visited  Grandma  & Grandpa O in Ft Lauderdale. Can you believe he kept it for 20+ years?? Marnie & Grandpa had fun going through the box together, can't you tell?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Guest Appereance

Marnie was requested to make a special guest appearance at her new friend Ryans house. Ahahaha...yes, I really did just say that. Okay, seriously..Robyn had called me a few weeks ago to say she had gotten a phone call from Ryans mom to see if Marnie would be able to come to a small family/friend gathering that they were having so Ryan & her could play. So, I drove 1 1/2 hours back home so Marnie could have a play date. *patting myself on the back*
Here's the pics that Robyn took of the girls:
How cute is this..they are holding hands.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Maddie's 10!

We headed home to celebrate Maddie's birthday. It was a really leisurely day, just perfect. Later on that night when I was putting Marnie to bed I asked her if she had a nice day..she said "yes"..I asked her what her favorite part was..she said ""..ahaha..of all the things we did there (she rode her bike, played with Divot, went for a walk with Grandma Alice, had birthday cupcakes)...her favorite part was watching Robyn spray paint animal figures. The simplicity of a 2 year old...I love it.

Happy Birthday Maddie!

Putting Green

John took Marnie down to the putting green to try taking some shots...looks like a pretty good stance if you ask me.


There weren't enough infant swings at the playground so we decided to "double" up.
Double Trouble didn't seem to mind!