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Monday, August 20, 2012

Wrightsville Beach Family Vacation

We went on our first Otterbein family vacation to Wrightsville Beach, NC. Unfortunately 30 minutes into Mom & Dads trip they had to turn around because Dad was not feeling well. They never made it to North Carolina so hopefully we all get a chance to do this little family reunion again next year so they get to join in on the fun. It was so nice to see Aunt Sue, Aunt Cindy, Uncle David & Kevin and spend some quality time with our Southern family.

And we are off! 5:00am and all ready to go!
Stop for dinner at Pizza Hut..this was the first time the babies sat in highchairs at a restaurant

We had lunch before getting into the beach house. Brynn wet thru her clothes so I just left her in her diaper. This is our "no shirt, no shoes, no service" baby.
Our first day on the beach! John & Brian went golfing so it was just us girls.
How cute is that little wedgie?

Kaelyn & Maddies friend Cameron joined us on they are boogey boarding.

Notice all the baby gear behind Robyn. It's not so easy bringing two 7 months old to the beach.
Contained in the pack & play!

My attemp at getting a picture of the 3 girls...ahahaha

I love them.

Since poor Mom & Dad and cousin Kristen couldn't make the trip we carried a picture of the three of them around with us so they felt like they were actually on vacation too. Here they are watching Maddie head into the water.


The guys finally joined in the next day.

Aunt Sue & Aunt Cindy on baby duty
Best Buds
Aunt Cindy & Brynn
Hooray! What's a vacatoin without a trip to Goodwill???
Snack time with Aunt Sue
How about that sunset?!!

Simone cried...
Sunrise from our balcony.

This is my absolute favorite picture from the whole trip. Marnie sat outside with her warm milky & watched the sun rise. Magical.

So cute...Marnie & Simone were lying on the couch together, sharing some kissies. Click here to watch them!
So on vacation guess what little bugger started to really sit up by herself AND crawl!!! Click here to watch Brynn as she starts to crawl!
Yeah Brynnie!
Game of Clue
We got a chance to go tubing on Aunt Cindys boat..and yes, I went.

I love them.

Cameron, Marnie & John watching us from the dock.

Kevin, our captain
Waiting for us to get back
Under the dock

Looking for shells! Click here to watch Marnie on the beach.

Family Vacation, Wrightsville Beach 2012

Ready for beddybye.
We all went to the U.S.S North Carolina Battleship Memorial

Back to the beach!
Marnie & I headed down to the beach for an hour of alone time. We decided to make a turtle in the sand.
Down time!

The Guadagno clan decided to visit Wilmingtons interactive childrens museum.
Check us out in the dark room! Click here.

Annnnd...more beach time!

Our family pic

Our surfer!
Aunt Cindy & Uncle David

The Guadagno's 1st official family trip!

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