Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 31, 2012

Otisville Country Fair

Us Guadagno girls joined Robyn, Brian & Maddie at the Otisville Country Fair. It was very cute & gotta love pony rides & face painting for $3.00!!


Buddy & Marnie both won goldfish.
They named them Otis & Ville (get it?). 



Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nette's House

Jeanette invited us girls to come to hang out & go swimming for the day sooo we went!

The most amazing place to take a nap 

Back Yard

We were at Grandma & Grandpa's house with Tortilla & Mylee just hanging out in the back yard. It's so nice just to sit & listen to the frogs & watch the dogs run around.

Getting ready for bed...Marnie joined Tortilla & Mylee under the bed 

Any Guesses?

I went to take a picture of Simone & Brynn but something blocked the picture. Can you guess what it was?

They're Mylee's whiskers!

Yum Yum

Monday, August 27, 2012

Beach Time With The Triplets

Marnie got to spend one of the last summer days with Teddy, Emmerson & Caroline at the beach.

The Paci Fairy

Since Marnie is almost 2 1/2 years old we thought it was time to give up her pacifier. In order to make it go smoothly we started talking to her about how the Paci Fairy was going to come in the middle of the night & take her pacifiers to the little babies that needed them. I even had her watch a video on youtube about the Paci Fairy numerous times so she got comfortable with the thought of never having her pacifier again. Marnie even got excited about the "angel" coming (as she called her).
Click here to watch her get ready for the Paci Fairy!
We painted a little bag that we were going to be putting all of her pacifiers in.

Last few sucks before going in the bag 
                                                               "For the Paci Fairy only"
Under the pillow they go! 
The letter & present left on her bed from PF.
Look what Marnie found in her bed in the morning! 

A swarovski crystal turtle necklace & jewelry box 
Another gift from the Paci Fairy found downstairs 

Mone's Crawling

MyMy's Ear

Brynn found Mylee's ear to play with. I think Mylee thought she was being rubbed because at one point her eyes were rolling in the back of her head from pure enjoyment. Click here to watch them.

In The Tunnel

Hangin In The Playroom

Have I ever mentioned what a good dog Mylee is? Hmm..maybe once or twice, right? Look at this poor puppy being terrorized by both Simone (who has a good grip on her face) & Brynn.


Marnie loves Maddie's cat Divot. When we stay at Robyns she likes to feed him & loves to pet him. And I think Divot likes Marnie know how I know? Because I was packing the car up to head back home & look who I found in the car!!
 I think he wanted to come home with us.

How Talented Are My Babies?!