Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 4, 2012

Ist Day Of Summer Camp

Marnie started her 1st day of summer camp this morning. For the last week now we've been preparing her, letting her know she would be going to "school" all by herself. So she's been saying "" because she has seen Kaelyn & Maddie get ready for school in the morning & get on the school bus with their backpacks. So cute.
Sooo we dropped Marnie off in the mornning & she got her little name badge on & went & sat at the table with a few other kids that were playing with playdough. That was our cue to leave so out the door we went. We peeked in the windows from outside & there was Marnie playing in the play kitchen, happy as could be. When it was time to pick her up at 12:45 John went in to get her so I could wait in the car with the babies. He carried her out to the car & guess what she was doing. Crying! Poor little baby didn't want to leave. Now THAT makes a Momma happy knowing her little girl had a fun day.
Packed lunch:

So happy for her 1st day!
And 3 hours later....

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