Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Captains Cove

The weather has been beautiful so we headed to Captain's Cove for some fried seafood. It's nice to sit outside & look out on the Sound with all the boats and take a stroll around all the tiny shops.

Yes, I Am

It was really hot a few days ago so when putting Marnie to bed I put a hairband in her hair to get her hair out of her face. I said to her "oh my gosh, you are just so cute"...and you know what she said? "Yes, I am". I love her.

The Great, The Wonderful, The Awesome Bobby Visits Us We Ones

Yeah! Bobby & Aferditta were in town for a short visit so family & friends got together for a pool party at our house.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Happy 38th Birthday Daddy

John & I went out to dinner for his birthday & came home to have cupcakes with the girls & Grammy and Grampy. Unfortunately Simone & Brynn were already asleep so they missed out on the festivities.

Mmmhmmm....normal, right?

Get Back Here

Say Cheese!

Tug Of War

Look who won!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

On Father's Day we all spent a lazy morning in bed & then in the afternoon the family came over to bbq. What else would you do on Father's Day?

John & His Girls...Allllll 6 Of Us


Do you see him?

Mmmm Pizza!

Everyone loves pizza, right?

Brynn's First 2 Teeth

Good Morning!

I walked in to see Simone sleeping like this....tell me this wouldn't just make you smile all day long.

Sears Portrait

Sears was offering a free 10x13 picture with no sitting fee...hello, guess who was all over that deal, especially with Fathers Day right around the corner? So Robyn & I took the girls to have their pictures taken. It was a nightmare. So how many times do you think I have taken Marnie's picture in her lifetime? Thousaaaands of times, right? Well we had the girls all posed & ready for the lady to snap some photos and guess who decided not to smile? And then to have a total meltdown after only 3 pictures were taken? Oh yes, that would be my little model, Marnie. Simone was a gem & smiled the whole time...Brynn wouldn't crack a smile for here is our lovely picture:

My 3 Beauties

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Swimming With The Cocotas Clan

My friend Amy was in town over the weekend so Marnie & I went over to the Cocotas home to hang with her family. The weather was beautiful so we were lucky enough to go swimming. Marnie just loved being able to play with her friend Claire again.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Happy 6 Months Old

Build A Bear

Sweet Robbie treated Marnie to a special bear at Build A Bear. Marnie got to pick out her own bear, put a heart in it's belly, stuff it, sew it up & give it a bath. And what did she name her new pink buddy? Bear, of course!

Wednesday Night Dinner At Camp Yearwood

Bed time giggles