Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 22, 2012

4 Month Old Stats

Simone & Brynn had to go for their 4 month old checkups. When they were due for their 2 month checkups I had to bring Marnie along too for her 18 month check up...oh yes, I did it by myself. Thank goodness for the kind nurses that work for our doctor, they were totally hands on, undressing & dressing babies with me. Thankfully I only had to take the twins this time around & since I had already done it by myself I knew better this time around...I took the babies just in their diapers...well, their hair bands & socks too. Do you love it?
Height 24 1/4 inches long-50%
Weight 14.9 lbs- 75%
Height 23 3/4 inches long- 25%
Weight 13.2 lbs- 50%
All ready to go out the door!

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