Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 22, 2012

4 Month Old Stats

Simone & Brynn had to go for their 4 month old checkups. When they were due for their 2 month checkups I had to bring Marnie along too for her 18 month check up...oh yes, I did it by myself. Thank goodness for the kind nurses that work for our doctor, they were totally hands on, undressing & dressing babies with me. Thankfully I only had to take the twins this time around & since I had already done it by myself I knew better this time around...I took the babies just in their diapers...well, their hair bands & socks too. Do you love it?
Height 24 1/4 inches long-50%
Weight 14.9 lbs- 75%
Height 23 3/4 inches long- 25%
Weight 13.2 lbs- 50%
All ready to go out the door!

As Grandpa Would Say...


Marnie & Sara

See...I told you Marnie loves the playground...I had my neighbor/babysitter Sara take Marnie to play for an hour...when I came to pick them up she was all smiles.

Really Mone?

Like hearing John snore wasn't enough? Click here to listen to my little baby SNORING!

Another Trip To Home Depot

This is how we roll now......


We took Marnie to the playground a few weeks ago since the weather was finally warm enough to be outside. She loves it....loves it so much it's all she talks about..."". I get IS fun!

Sesame Street Live

Yeah! Marnie & I went to see Sesame Street Live and she absolutely loved it, especially when Elmo came out on stage. It makes me so happy to see her smile.


We've had some warm days so we set up the tent in the backyard & got out the water table & sand box for Marnie to play in. I made sure Simone & Brynn joined in the fun & could watch big sissy play.

Duck, Duck Goose

The Walsh Clan came over again & as usual it was a fun time...this time there was a little Duck, Duck Goose to be had. Hysterical!


This is so funny...I was videotaping the babies when Marnie decided to come over to talk to them. Brynn was blowing bubbles with her saliva so Marnie kept saying "bubbles"...the next thing you know she takes Monkey's hand & wipes them away and then says "All gone". I love it. Click here to watch.

Working With Dad

We've been redoing our downstairs hallway & office into a bathroom & playroom/spare bedroom. John's been doing all the construction himself so Marnie's been watching him use his tools so I got her a small set of her own. And what do ya know..she loves it & has been helping John out whenever she can!

Easter At Grammys

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Easter Morning

Making cupcakes to bring to Grammy's