Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 27, 2012

2 Month & 21 Month Old Stats

All three girls had wellness checkups on February 16th. They are all doing great & growing strong. Dr Owens asked about Marnie's development...he said the average 21 month old has a vocabulary of 15-20 words. WHAT??!! I told him she knows hundreds of words & is even beginning to put 3 and 4 words together. The other day when Grandma was here we were playing hide & go seek and Marnie said "Go Grandma, your turn". She knows her shapes, numbers 1 through 10, and is starting to learn her colors. He said most 4 year olds are learning those things. kids a genius I guess. And of course you know who she takes after, right?? *smile* Simone & Brynn are doing amazing & just growing like weeds.

2 Month Stats:
Height: 22 1/2 inches- 50%
Weight: 11.12 pounds- 75%

Height: 22 inches- 50%
Weight: 10 ounces- 25%

21 Month Stats:
Height: 36 1/2- 97% (still off the charts!!!)
Weight: 26.6 pounds- 60%

Brynn & Nurse Jackie

Simone & Nurse Anita

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