Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 27, 2012

2 Month & 21 Month Old Stats

All three girls had wellness checkups on February 16th. They are all doing great & growing strong. Dr Owens asked about Marnie's development...he said the average 21 month old has a vocabulary of 15-20 words. WHAT??!! I told him she knows hundreds of words & is even beginning to put 3 and 4 words together. The other day when Grandma was here we were playing hide & go seek and Marnie said "Go Grandma, your turn". She knows her shapes, numbers 1 through 10, and is starting to learn her colors. He said most 4 year olds are learning those things. kids a genius I guess. And of course you know who she takes after, right?? *smile* Simone & Brynn are doing amazing & just growing like weeds.

2 Month Stats:
Height: 22 1/2 inches- 50%
Weight: 11.12 pounds- 75%

Height: 22 inches- 50%
Weight: 10 ounces- 25%

21 Month Stats:
Height: 36 1/2- 97% (still off the charts!!!)
Weight: 26.6 pounds- 60%

Brynn & Nurse Jackie

Simone & Nurse Anita

Our Saturday Nights

So our Saturday nights now consist of going to CVS for toilet paper, baby formula & tissues, stopping in Petco to see the animals (fish, snakes, rodents & birds) and then getting burritos to go from the Chipolte Grill. What happened to us??? ahaha

Monday, February 20, 2012

Christmas Outfits

Okay, so I'm a little behind on some blog posts but I bet you can all guess why....
John's friend Matt got the twins these adorable Christmas onesies & I got little Santa hats made off of and oh my God, do they make adorable outfits! The girls did wear these outfits on Christmas day but I didn't get any good pictures of them so I redressed them recently & got some cute pics. They sure do fill them out better than a month ago!

Santa is my BFF

Dear Santa, define "Good"

Guess Her Pants Are Too Big

Watching TV

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Since we started staying at Camp Yearwood Marnie's been sleeping in Maddie's room with her. To make Marnie feel comfortable Maddie would lean over & hold her hand. One night when I was putting Marnie in her bed I said "Look Marnie, there's your buddy. Hold her hand & go to sleep". The next morning Marnie woke up & asked where "Buddy" was. Marnie & Maddie now call each other "Buddy".
Now THAT is cute.

Super Bowl 46- Giants vs The Patriots

Chicken wings, stuffed artichoke, White Castle hamburgers, 7 layer taco dip and pigs in a must be Super Bowl time!!!

Valentine's Day

Marnie & I made Mickey Mouse cookies for Valentine's Day and oh yes, they were the Pillsbury refridgerator cookie dough kind. I'm a mother of 3 girls under two years get it.
Lucky us, John came home with flowers for all his girls. Was a quiet night at home with all his Valentines.
Click here to see Marnie making the cookies.

Finished product!

Marnie got a special surprise in the mail from Robbie & Bri Bri....chocolate strawberries!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Just Checking Out The Scenery

Hello! Could This Be Any Cozier???

Looks Like She Had A 'Ruff" Day


While staying up at Robyn's she wanted us to stop over at Jenack's auction gallery where she works to see items that will be in an upcoming auction. Guess what it was!!!

Taxidermy Animals!!! Woohoooo!!!

5 Minutes Later

So happy......

and then 5 minutes later....

Discovery Museum

We went last Saturday morning to the Discovery Museum in Bridgeport which is all interactive. Marnie loved know how I know that? When it was time to leave I had to carry her out of their crying & saying "play...plaaaaay".