Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sandy Hook Carnival

John & I had the privelage of volunteering our time for a carnival put on by Marnie's preschool for the families of the Newtown 1st responders & Sandy Hook Elementary School. It was an amazing day. There were families there that had lost loved ones & there was actually smiles on their faces..even if for a brief moment...and that is what we were hoping for. We had magicians, arts & crafts, face painters, clowns, a dj, a ventriloquist, musicians,  a photo booth, games & prizes,
Elmo/Sponge-Bob/Mickey/Minnie, and my friend Colleen & Marnie's teacher Miss Melissa filled in last minute to be Cinderella and Snow White. Aaaaamazing. I was so proud to be a part of it.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Jammin with country music star cousin Brad! 

A local Fairfield deli purchased 20,000 luminary lights for residents so that each family could light 26 bags on Christmas Eve in rememberance of the 26 souls that were killed at the Sandy Hook School a few weeks before. So before the night was over we made sure we lit them in the driveway for all to see. 

Can't forget to put out the special reindeer food! 

Before Marnie headed off to bed we made sure to put out cookie & milk for Santa.
I hope he likes our homemade cookie! 

Annual Family Holiday Party/ Marnies Video From Santa

We had our annual family holiday party at Aunt Bettys & Uncle Phils this year. We decided to do brunch so it was a very quiet & relaxing day. Nice time with the Steele side of the family.

Back at home Marnie watched a special video from Santa. Oh my God...she L-O-V-E-D it!! She watched it at least 10 times in a row and then numerous times for the next week. Click here to watch her watching it!