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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

True Story: Momma

John & I ran some errands after work yesterday & then stopped in to the Chef's Table for some quick eats. Of course we had to sit right next to the arcade game so John could play a game of Galaga. After our we downed our yummy soup & sandwiches we headed home. John headed upstairs to get changed, I placed Marnie on the kitchen island so I could take her out of her carseat. She was still sucking away on her pacifier so I took it out so she could catch a break. Out of the blue she sat straight up, looked right at me and started talking. Not like babbling jiberish sounds but it sounded like real words, but like in a different language. the end of her rant, you know what she she looked right at me?
She said "Mmmmmmomma. Mmmomma".

I looked around & thought "This is BS! Oh my God! Nobody's here to witness this!!!"
No need for me to fret for long. I got her out of her seat & headed upstairs to tell John. Guess who kept saying it all night? I was too busy being mesmerized to get the camera to videotape her so I'll have to catch her the next time she does it.

She said "Momma".
*heart melting*

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