Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sexy Diva

Oh my God this kid makes me laugh. Last night she kept rolling around on the bed & then would stop and make this sexy diva pose. It was hysterical. Even John was like "get the camera!!!".

This one is the absolute best!!!!!! Look at her belly hanging out and her one hand on her hip...and her ridiculous mis-matched outfit.
You can't help but laugh...right???

Grandpa's Tradition

While we were up at Grandma & Grandpa's O for Thanksgiving Grandpa took advantage of his 3 favorite girls being there to continue on one of his traditions. The tradition of marking their heights & the date on the living room door. He's been doing this for a few years now with Kaelyn & Maddie and this is Marnie's first year to participate!

MG 11/10
And yes, I bet when they move from this house the door is going with them!

Thanksgiving 2010

Marnie's first Thanksgiving was great! She got to meet both of her great Grandmothers and of course was spoiled by everyone at Grandma & Grandpa's. Not many pics to share...I have to be honest, none of us were really "picture ready". Grandpa wasn't feeling well, I barely got dressed & put makeup on, and John showed up in sweats right from playing a game of soccer. I did manage a few fun pics of Miss M in her Turkey Day outfit though!

Thanks Czoczi Robyn for the awesome bib & matching headband!

Great Grandma O

Great Grandma Steele

Poor Grandpa...wasn't feeling well but still wanted his cuddles with Marnie

Monday, November 29, 2010

All Packed & Ready For A Story

Thanksgiving day we were heading to Grandma & Grandpa O's for some good ol' turkey. Always the helper, Marnie made sure I packed everything in her bag that she would possibly need for 2 days away. After we were done packing John read her & Tortilla a book.

Diapers? Check!
Bottles? Check!
Toys? Check!
Pacifiers? Check!
Turkey Day outfit? Check! Check! Check!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Yoga Baby

Marnie wants to make sure she does her exercises so she can still fit into her size 12 month clothing after chowing down on Thanksgiving day. What a smart little peanut she is.

T.P. Pic

I took this pic with the camera lens at the one end of a empty toilet paper roll.
Different, no?

All Clean!

Mr. Whistles

Grammy & Grampy stopped over last night for some Marnie time. Guess what? She was all smiles as usual! Grampy even seranaded her with his whistling. Click here to watch Marnie listen to him.

Cheap entertainment

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday Morning Sunlight

Out To Dinner

Saturday night Robyn, Kaelyn, Maddie, John, Marnie & I went to Joe's for dinner. Nice kid-friendly place. Perfect for Marnie's first time being in a restaurant where she got to sit in a highchair. She was sooooo good. She sat quietly & played with her toys & her cloth napkin while we all ate.

Mad Has The Magic Touch

Sweet little cousin Maddie wanted to read Marnie a book so I set them up in Marnie's rocking chair. I took this pic of them and then headed downstairs to do a few things.

I came back up less than 10 minutes later & found them like this:

Nice work Mad!!! You must have the magic touch!

What Great Big Cousins Marnie Has

Can I just tell you how spoiled Miss M is when the Schloicka girls get hold of this little girl??? They fight over who gets to hold her, feed her, change her, rock her, push her, and even who gets to sit next to her in the car. Umm...I don't see anyone fighting over who gets to sit by me!!!! Gesh.

Look at the size of my kid! She's half the length of her 8 year old cousin!

AC Moore Trip

Saturday morning Robyn, Kaelyn, Maddie, Marnie & I took a trip up to AC Moore for some art supplies for our VT trip next weekend. This was Marnie's first time being able to sit in the cart like a big girl! Look how cute she is just hanging out, taking everything in at eye level.

Marnie liked this calendar

And this pink boa!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

True Story: Momma

John & I ran some errands after work yesterday & then stopped in to the Chef's Table for some quick eats. Of course we had to sit right next to the arcade game so John could play a game of Galaga. After our we downed our yummy soup & sandwiches we headed home. John headed upstairs to get changed, I placed Marnie on the kitchen island so I could take her out of her carseat. She was still sucking away on her pacifier so I took it out so she could catch a break. Out of the blue she sat straight up, looked right at me and started talking. Not like babbling jiberish sounds but it sounded like real words, but like in a different language. the end of her rant, you know what she she looked right at me?
She said "Mmmmmmomma. Mmmomma".

I looked around & thought "This is BS! Oh my God! Nobody's here to witness this!!!"
No need for me to fret for long. I got her out of her seat & headed upstairs to tell John. Guess who kept saying it all night? I was too busy being mesmerized to get the camera to videotape her so I'll have to catch her the next time she does it.

She said "Momma".
*heart melting*

Monday, November 15, 2010

Marnie's Masterpiece

Look how talented my kid is already! Who knew she was artfully ambidextrous????

And yes, it made the fridge!