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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Guadagno Bath Time

So bathing Marnie in the small spare bathroom tub got boring. She was starting to get too big for the infant tub cradle thinger & I was too lazy to find the next-size-up one in the basement. So I started just taking Marnie in our jacuzzi tub with me. She L-O-V-E-S it. All she wants to do is stand up and try to catch her little floating fishies & froggies. John even joins us (in his underwear- hee hee). So at least 3 times a week you'll find the Guadagno family in the tub together. What do you that weird? Or is it normal? I think it's sweet.

I like my family.

Did I mention she L-O-V-E-S tubby time now???

What do you think about this pic for our family Christmas photo?

And after her nice bath Miss Marnie got a warm bottle of milky and laid in bed with us & watched the Yankee game.

Nighty Night Baby Doll

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