Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner"....

Except maybe herself.

Look at this wackadoo.

Reading & Socializing

This morning Parshnie took Marnie to the library for story time. How cute is that? I asked if she would take the camera & get some pictures. Her report: Marnie had a great time. She was the BEST BABY there!!! She was all smiles & was jumping up and down while the librarian read the story. After story time the kids were allowed to have play time...apparently Miss Marnie was a little social butterfly & was trying to talk to everyone. Hooray! That's what every Momma wants to hear...that her baby is social & fun.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Little Princess

John did not want to be away for 8 days in Germany. He knew he was going to miss Marnie like crazy and was sad about the fact that he thought she wouldn't remember him or recognize his voice *so sad*. So last week I bought John a special book for his little girl. It's a recordable book that he was able to read the story aloud & it recorded him reading it. I told him that I would 'read' it every night to Marnie before bed. Last night was our first night. Click here to watch Marnie listen to the story.

1st Toofer! 5 Months, 2 Weeks & 4 Days Old

So there I am last night feeding Marnie some oatmeal and squash & some mixed berries for dinner. I'm just about to give her another spoonful of berries when I see a white spec on the bottom part of her gum. I thought "what the heck is that? She's not eating anything white...what's in her mouth?" Then I think "no way is that a tooth...". Well guess what. It is!!! One little toofer has popped through & there is another one getting ready to! Oh my God. My baby is growing up so fast!!!!!!!!!!


Last night we all hung out in bed before John had to leave for Germany for 8 days. I think he's gonna miss us girls.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Damn this kid likes to eat! Her newest thing: eating mashed up fruit out of a Nuby holder. So far banana's seem to be her favorite...probably because they are the mushiest & squeeze through the mesh holder the easiest. She's such a big girl that she sits & holds her own pop.

Is this a happy baby or what?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Teething Ring

Marnie's been all about putting things in her mouth lately. Her favorite item: her teething rings straight out of the fridge.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Guadagno Bath Time

So bathing Marnie in the small spare bathroom tub got boring. She was starting to get too big for the infant tub cradle thinger & I was too lazy to find the next-size-up one in the basement. So I started just taking Marnie in our jacuzzi tub with me. She L-O-V-E-S it. All she wants to do is stand up and try to catch her little floating fishies & froggies. John even joins us (in his underwear- hee hee). So at least 3 times a week you'll find the Guadagno family in the tub together. What do you that weird? Or is it normal? I think it's sweet.

I like my family.

Did I mention she L-O-V-E-S tubby time now???

What do you think about this pic for our family Christmas photo?

And after her nice bath Miss Marnie got a warm bottle of milky and laid in bed with us & watched the Yankee game.

Nighty Night Baby Doll

Biter Biscuit

Miss Marnie had her first taste of a biter biscuit last week. She liked it...but I started to get too nervous thinking she was going to break off a chunk & choke. I don't need that. So biter biscuits are going on the back burner for a while. But here's a few pics that I got & if you click here you can watch her enjoying the cookie. Yum yum!

Tortilla is just waiting for Marnie to hand over the goods.

And Mylee is no fool either. You know who ended up getting the cookie? Mylee. She is no fool. She stood the test of time....and won.

She's So Close

This little whipper snapper wants to crawl so bad. She wants to mooooove!!! Click here to watch her get her little hiney up & arms out & her body rocking back and forth. She's so close!!!!

Go Marnie Go! Go Marnie Go!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Gooooooooooooooo Yankees!!!

As you can see below our little Marty has made another guest appearance! *smile*

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Marnies new trick? Raspberries. Here she is demonstrating her talents after indulging in her first cookie (thus the messy face).
Click here to watch her do her raspberries!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Why suck on a binky when there's Uncle Brian's nose right in front of me?????

Click here to see more pics of Marnie's time with the Yearwood/Schloicka clan!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Pumpkins Galore

Sunday morning we met the Guadagno side of the family at Jones Farm for some pumpkin picking & pictures. It was a great day for some early fall pics.

Here's the whole crowd (minus AP's boyfriend Michael & his daughter Madeline who were on a hay ride):
Big G, Marnie, Aunt Paula, Aunt Tracey, Jack, Uncle Tom, Claire, me, John, Grammy & Grampy