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Monday, February 22, 2010

Lord Help Me

So I'm now at the 30 week mark & can I just tell you...I'm ravenous all the time. This morning I had a chocolate donut, a nectarin & water and now I'm on to a buttered bagel & a pellegrino sparkling orange beverage. It's 11:07am.
I stepped on the scale this morning...I've gained 20 pounds so far. John saw the number on the scale & said "noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! oh my god". That is not encouraging, is it? So I just went online to see how much I should expect to gain for the whole pregnancy..thank goodness I'm not too far off. But damn, doesn't this kid know I don't like to exercise....doesn't she know what she's doing to her Momma?

I wonder what I'll have for lunch today...........

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