Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 31, 2013

In A Basket

I swear, they all got in the basket by themselves, I had nothing to do with this great photo op!!!
That's MY GIRLS!

12 Toes??

Apparently Marnie thinks she is missing 2 toes. Ahahaha...she keeps insisting that she is missing a toe on each foot where she has a big space between her toes. Ahaha...oh my God..she makes me LAUGH.

Monday, January 21, 2013

MLK Day With Friends

Everybody had off for Martin Luther King day so we had a play date at our house with Emme, Teddy, Caroline, Claire & Brady. 8 kids, 3 it.

Smile Monie Baronie!

School Art

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Double Trouble At It Again

Grammy Jr.

Look who's been busy moving furniture around.

Snow Girls

Grandma & Grandpa came down for a visit and they built 3 snow girls in the front yard with Marnie. Can you guess who those 3 are?  ; )

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Best Friends Necklace

 Marnie picked out matching "Best Friends" necklaces for her & Claire. That's pretty cute if you ask me.

Marnie's 1st Haircut

Yesterday we took Marnie for her 1st haircut. Such a big girl- she sat very still and talked to the woman cutting her hair. She even liked getting her hair blow dryed. Go figure. She left the salon with her certificate in one hand & a lollipop in the other. Good for you Marnie! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Guess which one of these little cuties liked the pasta more.....

Youuuuuu got it!
Brynnie Brynn!!!!! 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Triplets Birthday Party

Marnie went to her friends Emmerson, Teddy & Carolines 3rd birthday party at a gymnastics sportsplex. She didn't stop moving for the whole hour & a half! Good for her.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Disney On Ice

We made our annual trip with the girls to Disney On Ice. So cute.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Music Class

Marnie took a music class with her friends Claire & Campbell. These 3 nutjobs had a blast!

Princess Birthday Party

Marnie was invited to her friend Campbells princess birthday party so we went all out & got dressed like a Snow Princess. Marnie looked beautiful!! She had a lot of fun with her much fun we were the first to arrive & the last to leave.  ; )

Campbells big brother Max had a bunch of reptiles that Marnie couldn't get enough of! 

After the party we had to stop to get milk at the grocery store. And yes, we totally went in all dressed should have seen all the smiles on peoples faces as this little princess walked down the grocery aisles. Have you ever seen anything so adorable?