Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

7 To 6

The Walsh Clan & the Bonneaus came over for Sunday football & pizza. It's amazing that all of our kids are 3 years & under and us adults are outnumbered 7 to 6. How did that happen?? Ahaha
As always the kids played so nicely together & had a's going to be so great when Simone, Brynn and Max can really join in on the fun! 

Pumpkin Picking At Maples Farm

We had a nice day with Mom & Dad and the Yearwood/Schloicka Clan at Maples Farm in Middletown. The weather was gorgeous, the girls looked adorable..I totally thought this was going to be a great picture/portrait taking day.....until 5 minutes before we were leaving Robyns poor Marnie fell on the stairs & got the biggest golf size welt on her forehead. Thankfully it didn't ruin the fun day she had.

On the hay ride 

 The best pic I got of the girls...ugh.
Love love love this pic of Money. 
Poor baby...look at that welt!
Still so cute.

 Hay maze! 

Back at the house
Coloring with Ian 
Bobbing for apples!!! 



Tell me this is not scary!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Snack Time

Just A Nibble


We Love Daddy

*GASP* Marnie Rae Guadagno!!!!

I walked into the playroom & Marnie immediately cupped her hands over her mouth. Huh?
She had stolen Simones pacifier and totally knew she shouldn't have. All I could do was laugh...a lot.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sleeping Together

Now that Marnie has been in her "big girl bed" Tortilla has been keeping her company for naps & bedtime. I love that.

Hill Farm Festival

The church and preschool that Marnie goes to was having a fall festival so in the morning I headed over to help set up the kids section. When I was done I went home to pick up John & the girls so we could have a nice day together.

Hi Tortilla Rainbow!

Cookie Monster