Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Downward Dog

I dont' know about you but I think Aunt Paula would be pretty proud of Simone doing her morning yoga.


Guess all that jumping made Brynn pretty tired.

Brynn's Not For Sale

Our annual tag sale was coming up so Mom was helping me sort thru all of Marnie's old baby clothes to sell. Brynn decided she didn't want to nap with the other girls so we had her hang out with us.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Grandma's Visit

Grandma came to help out for a couple of days so since we had the extra hands we made sure to venture out & do something fun. We hit Sweet Rexie's for some candy then went to the town green where there was a barbershop quartet performing. The next day we went to the playground. It was Simone & Brynn's first time in the swings. They loved it! Simone especially I think..she just sat there as still as could be, with her arms at her sides, smiling away. Brynn smiled & held on for dear life.

In Motion

Brynn has been in motion big time. She keeps rolling around & scooching herself into areas she shouldn't be. I am definetly going to be in trouble with this one when she starts crawling.
John walked into the living room & saw Simone sitting on the floor. He asked where Brynn was. I said "yeah right..." knowing she had just been next to Simone not even 2 minutes before. He was like "no..really..where is she"?
Look where this little stinker was!!!!!
We even had to lift the couch up to get her out from under it! Talk about hysterical!!

Playing Footsies

Kindle Fire

You would not believe what a pro Marnie is on the Kindle. She knew how to use it before me. Here she is showing Monie how to play a game. Too cute, right?

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Bathing Beauties

FYI...Simone's little feet are crossed

Marnie & Sue

Our wonderful neighbor Sue was feeling a little blue since her teenage daughter was away at camp so she asked if she could take Marnie to the beach with her. Uhhhh yeah! Marnie loves Sue so she went happily along, waving to me as they pulled out of the driveway. Not only was I thrilled that Marnie was going to be spending some time with Sue but I was even more pleased with the day out when Sue sent me pics of their time together. So here they are!

Soccer Game

John took Marnie to watch his coworker Kate play in a women's Connecticut soccer league game. They watched most of the first half & then came home to go swimming. I do believe Marnie had a nice time with her Daddy. : )

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Baby Blues

BFF's Sleepover At Grammy & Grampy's

Marnie & Claire had a special sleepover at Grammy & Grampy's. They had an action packed 5 1/2 hours before they both konked out in bed together. They went in the hot tub, went for a bike ride to the beach, went to the playground, came home & rode bikes, had a princess dinner, took a bath, made muffins, had their nails painted, and had a book read to them. I wish I had been invited...sure looks like they had a super fun time. Thanks Grammy for all the pictures and thanks to both Grammy & Grampy for spoiling my sweet little baby girl.

Friday, July 6, 2012

7 Month & 2 Year Checkups

All three girls went for routine checkups. They are all growing so fast & are as healthy as can be. Here's their latest stats:
Height: 38 1/8 inches= above 95%
Weight: 28.5 pounds= 75%
Height: 27 1/2= 90%
Weight: 17.10 pounds= 75%
Height: 26 3/4 inches= 75%
Weight: 15.10= 30%

Thursday, July 5, 2012


My friend Colleen came over for a visit & Marnie was in love. She wanted Colleen to play in the playroom with her & of course, good natured Colleen did. Marnie was a little shy about calling Colleen by her name so I told her we should call her Kiki. And for the rest of the night she was Kiki!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July

For 4th of July we spent the day/night with the Walsh Clan. They all came over for a bbq then we headed over to the beach to watch the fireworks. Grammy & Grampy graciously offered to watch Simone & Brynn so we could enjoy the fireworks up close. Walking home from the beach to G&G's it POURED so we were all soaked but hey, I guess we'll never forget it, right? The 4 kids had a blast & we've all vowed to make it an annual tradition.

Walking to the beach

And stuck in the rain!