Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

We went to the annual Fairfield Memorial Day Parade with Grammy & Grampy. You would not believe how hot it was but regardless, we still had a nice time. Marnie absolutley loved it & clapped the enitre time. How cute.

Grandpa's 66!

We headed to NY to spend the day with Grandpa for his 66th birthday. Always a nice relaxing time there.

Mud pies!
We found a painted turtle digging a hole in the front yard

Ice Cream In The Hudson Valley


Please tell me how this even happens....

Bubble Lady

Just Too Friggin Cute

Rolling Over...I'm A Little Late

I totally forgot to post about how the babies started rolling over only a day apart! Simone rolled over on Easter morning & then Brynn rolled over the very next day. They are getting so big it's scary.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pinecone Bird Feeders

Today us girls made some homemade bird feeders out of pinecones, peanut butter & bird seed. Marnie & I hung them up & not even 10 minutes later 2 squirrels came & out them all! That's okay, as long as some little wildlife animal enjoyed our tasty treat, right? So Marnie could watch the squirrels I sat her in front of the door with her lunch. Mylee sat at the door too..starring...crying to go out so she could chase the poor squirrel.

So Inventive

It's so much easier to hold your own bottle when you're only 5 months old if you have backup help...2 hands, 2 feet..done!

Blue Eyed Green Eyed Babies

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


The babies had their first taste of real food tonight..they had some yummy winter squash. Click here & here to watch them.

Monday, May 21, 2012


And the cuteness begins people! I set Simone & Brynn up so they could face each other and they sat there for over 1/2 an hour playing footsies. Simone was adorable, just smiling & laughing the whole time. Click here to watch them!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Evacuate! Evacuate!!!!!!

So there we are...the five Guadagno's taking a nice family bath together and all of a sudden what do we see? Floating poopie!!! Evacualte! Evaculate!!!!! Guess who the culprit is....her initials are SEG.

It's The Beginning of Beach Season