Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

9 Hours

Guess what two adorable babies slept 9 hours last night? Oh yes...we made it!!! We made it to the Mother Ship! Glory Days are here!!!
Do you see how they ended up in the crib together? They were both laying side by side, head to head and look at them now. They are obviously very talented.

Grandma Goes To Feed The Ducks With Us

Pony Girls

One Night Out

Hooray for us! All three girls went & stayed at Camp Yearwood so we could finally have a few days to ourselves. We went to a wedding one of the you have any idea how nice it was to get dressed up, do my hair, put makeup on & actually feel like a normal person again??!!! Monday morning it was back to reality again...and my sweat pants.

Bounce U

We all celebrated Jack's birthday at Bounce U...I realized I am getting a little too old for this stuff....I was wiped out after it!


and cute babies go so well together.
Brynn & Simone

Poor Mone Has Torticollis

Poor Mone has Torticollis- which means her head is tilted to one side. This can happen to many newborns & is the result of positioning in the womb or after a difficult labor. In Simone's case I am sure it was due to the fact that she was very low down in my pelvis with her head wedged there (ultrasounds showed that while I was pregnant). I'm not surprised to be honest, there was cramped corridors in there! So, once a week Simone has to go to physical therapy to see Dr. Tina & we also have to do stretches with her at home. The doctor gives her a good workout & then she passes right out after her session.

I'll Do Anything To Occupy Them

Sissy Love

St Patty's Day At The Zoo

Another great day in March with the weather in the high 60's so we all headed to the Beardsley Zoo on St Pattys Day. We were lucky enough to have Lucy & Lily join us. After the zoo we headed back to Grammy & Grampy's for dinner & some dress up fun.

Sunbathing...Well Sorta

With the weather in the 70's I stuck these kids on the back porch to get some fresh air. Do you know how good they slept that night?? : )