Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Annual Family Holiday Party

This year we had our annual family holiday party in January this way alllll the Guadagno's could attend. Good food & great company made for another successful get together.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


I forgot to send socks in the diaper bag when Grammy & Grampy watched the girls for us. Whoopsie. Thank goodness Grammy had it taken care of....big cousin Claire's socks did the trick.
Simply hilarious.

Good Big Sissy

The first few weeks we were at home with the twins Marnie had a hard time adjusting. Our perfect little angel daughter had begun to throw tantrums, wanted her pacifier all the time & was saying "no" to her parents (what?????). Now that we are all settled & in a routine Marnie is back to her lovely self and tries to be helpful with the babies. She especially likes putting the pacifiers into the screaming babies mouths. Such a good big sissy!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Uh huh....

Just another day at home.


That's your sisters head...not a bottle.

Family Walk...All 7 Of Us

Helping With The Laundry

Marnie was nice enough to help me with the laundry the other day...

Look where her pile of clothes wound up:

Poor Brynn. That's her underneath all the clothes Marnie decided to pile on top of her. I guess it's better than the clean clothes ending up on the floor...right?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy 1 Month Birthday Double Trouble!

What Oreo? Who Had An Oreo?

Double Trouble

Finally had some time to take posed pics of the twins. It's hard getting 2 babies to look cute at the same time! : )
Brynn on the left, Simone on the right

Simone on left now, Brynn on the right

"Hi Everybody!" From Simone