Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Puppy Treats

Tortilla & Mylee are so good with Marnie. Tortilla could really care less about what the baby is doing & rarely goes in for a good smell or licky (although Tortilla does not lick on the face- anyone's face- so she'll occasionally give a lick to Marnie's hand or foot). Mylee on the other hand, as I've mentioned before, loves being near the baby & licks the sh*t out of her. You have to pull Mylee away from Marnie's face because she's licking her so much that her tongue eventually ends up down Marnie's throat. Better to have her licking Marnie than eating her face off...right? Click here to see Marnie giving her puppies each a treat.

Marnie's Nanny

Well, the day finally came when I had to return to work. After having 17 wonderful weeks off with my sweet little angel, I finally went back to work yesterday. We hired an awesome nanny named Parshnie to watch Marnie. It's only been 2 days since she officially started but she's already sent me pics both yesterday & today from her phone of Marnie. I appreciate the phone pic updates. I miss my baby. I wish I could be with her but it is comforting knowing she is in good hands.

Welcome Parshnie!

Umm..Yeah...Uh Huh...She Takes After Me

Yep. It's official. This is MY kid. She is a SLEEEEEEEEPER. I'm talking sleeping at night for 12-13 hours. Is that unreal or what? Hee hee hee.

Marnie, Daddy & Grammy Get Down

Click here to watch these 3 fruitcakes dancing. Funnnnnny!

Footloose & Fancy Free

Check out Marnie's new crib entertainment. She gets those little legs going & all you hear is "cheep cheep"..."moooooo" here to watch the video to see what I'm talking about!

Uhh..why is she giving me a dirty look??? I just wanted to take her picture. Dammmmmn.

Best Baby Chats With Poppy & Noni Sue

This kid is a TALKER! Click here to watch her chit chatting with Poppy & Noni Sue.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Rock & Roll (Literally)

My little "Future Shopoholic" is really growing up fast. She's starting to prefer to sit up & take everything in rather than lay flat & hang out. And she has perfected rolling over...but prefers to do it rolling to her left. Click here to watch her ROCK and here to watch her ROLL!

A kid after my own heart....

"Mommy! Why isn't my milky ready??"

Yup, guess who's outgrown her bassinet *sigh*

Monday, August 16, 2010

Marnie & Sophie

Marnie & Sophie the Giraffe have been playing a lot together lately. What good friends they've become already!

Tortilla has been dying to sink her teeth into Sophie- she has a great squeeker in her! (see her staring up at the crib!)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Today Marnie & I went to our first 'Mommy & Me' yoga class. Soooo cute!
We did a bunch of stretchs (mostly for the babies) & incorporated a lot of soft toned sayings like "soooo big". By the last 10 minutes there were 6 (I counted) babies with bottles in their mouths because they were so fussy. kid was one of them.
Can't wait until next week to go again!

There's Marnie on her belly in the middle of the pic.

We did it!!!! We excercised!
Now let's go out for ice cream.


Damn, this kid is just so.......CUTE! Yep, you guessed it!
Her new thing? Clucking her tongue. Click here to watch her.

Such A Big Girl

Although she can't fully sit up on her own, Marnie has got down to playin with her exersaucer. She even uses her little pointer fingers to push the buttons (so friggin smart!!!). Click here to watch her!

Glory Days Are Here!

Guess what! Marnie sleeps through the night now! The last 4 or 5 days now she's been progressively getting better & better. Last night....she slept from 7:30pm to 7:15am. OH MY GOD. Is she my kid or what???
What a good, good baby.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Protector

Mylee has made it her job to keep watch over Marnie. I think it's because Mylee was once a Mom herself so she knows the importance of keeping an eye on a little one.

Mylee sat here the whole time Marnie was asleep.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

So Kissable

Uhhhhhh...yeah she is!

Mylee even thinks so.

Now this is a freakin adorable pic, if I do say so myself

The Making Of A Meltdown

Do ya think she's tired or what?